death before decaf


honestly i'm not very far into development xD i've got some copy-writing done, and some vague ideas about mechanics i want to include and the vibe i want it to have, but theres still a lot to do

i was initially inspired by sneaky witches by m. allen hall but the idea soon evolved... i'm just waiting on another wave of inspiration to finish writing it up, and then i can play test it xD i also want to find and commision an artist for some sketchy graphics, i feel like that would help me visualise the rest of the game, but i haven't found the right artist yet lol

hopefully i do get around to finishing this project xD i do have a friend who knows about it and reminds me every so often to work on it, so luckily it hasn't been thrown on the pile of forgotten adhd projects just yet


The end of the world wasn't quite the end in the end- ahem, that is to say, you're still around and kicking. And hey, that dickhead Bryce isn't, so a win is a win. However, and this is a big issue for you, you haven't been able to get your caffeine fix in a couple of weeks, not since the ex- Starbucks baristas burned down the last of the local coffee shops in some kind of post- capitalist anarcho-ritual of cleansing. Suffice to say… It's scavenging time.

Sleepily following rumours and half remembered rememberings, you find your way to a long shut down Call Centre, boarded up and forgotten due to the Robot-N Inc. recall of Productivity Enforcement Bots. It's said that back in the day it employed a starveling horde of techies, and those poor bastards were always said to practically worship the bean juice. Hopefully they left some behind whilst they ran screaming from their only-slightly more homicidal than usual office managers.