hannibal (2013-2015)


okay, listen, i know its an old show. I loved it back in my teen tumblr days, bvut i haven't watched it since then, and before i started rewatching it with a friend, i honestly only remembered ~the vibes~ and mads mikkelsen being mads mikkelsen (the one man i could ever truly love xD)

now though, fresh from watching the season 1 finale, i truly remember just how it felt to be watching the show for the first time. the twists are twisting, hannibal is hardcore flirting, and i am on the edge of my seat and feeling like a voyeur for some reason?

hannibal tv show poster depicting hannibal in a navy patterned suit wiping at his mouth with a napkin, the shows title is at the bottom and hannibal's face is cut off just below the eyes